The Great Train Robbery

The Great Train Robbery

Image depicting The Great Train Robbery Talk at Broadway Museum

How on earth does one stop a train in the middle of nowhere doing 95 miles per hour and then rob it ?

Ian Boskett tells the tale of The Great Train Robbery and the “local’ links to the crime. With a real railway signal, Ian will demonstrate how it was achieved without arousing suspicion of the authorities!

This event has happened but we recommend reviewing the webinar, which is superb. For a copy of the talk @ £5, please purchase your webinar ticket below, ensuring you provide your email address on booking, we will send the webinar link to you on confirmation of booking.

Webinar recordings are the sole copyright of Broadway Museum and are available to the individual purchasing a copy and for personal viewing only.

Talk kindly sponsored by NFU Mutual (Moreton-in-Marsh)

NFU Mutual Partner of Broadway Museum
NFU Mutual Partner of Broadway Museum

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Event Details

Doors Open at 6.15 pm for drinks. The Talk will commence at 7pm and will be followed by a short Q and A.

This event is also available as a webinar.

Venue: Broadway Museum & Art Gallery